With FLIPPED LEARNING, classroom content comes to the student’s home in the form of an online video. Meanwhile, problems and assignments that once might have been treated as homework are now tackled in the classroom, while teachers offer personalised guidance. FLIP offers smooth content delivery and cognitive development through conceptual understanding and transfer. Shallow learning occurs at home, at a student’s own pace; and deep and transfer learning happens in school or outside, in a more collaborative and personalized manner.

There are a number of advantages to this method.



A flipped classroom dramatically increases the amount of time you have to spend with each student. It also creates a platform for them to ask questions or seek extra help with an area they’re finding challenging.

The project-based work that now takes place in the classroom need not be on an individual basis. A flipped classroom enables students to spend more time collaborating with one another: not only a great way to learn, but also good for their team working skills.

Because ‘knowledge acquisition’ now takes place outside the classroom, each student can control it to match their own personal abilities and appetite. A traditional classroom instruction-based method relies on every student absorbing and understanding at the same time and pace. Flipped learning doesn’t. This can be particularly liberating for slower learners. No longer do they feel the burden of having to ‘keep up’; they’re free to learn in a way that works for them. And if they want to go back and study something again, they can.

After students have engaged with digital content at home, they can come to the classroom prepared with ideas and questions. It’s a great way to involve students in shaping the classroom sessions, and thereby nurture their sense of responsibility.

It used to be that, if a student missed a lesson, they missed learning something. Not with flipped learning. Because students engage with a lesson on their own time, and away from school, absence need not detract from them learning the material.

Previously, students were only exposed to one source of information on a topic: that which the teacher gave them in class. With flipped learning, they can explore much more. They can access multiple sources, and equally you can direct them towards sources from other teachers, and more. This diversity will only increase their comprehension of the subject.

Because students use their own devices to access content, there’s no need for a school to invest in hundreds of new computers or classroom gadgets. The only thing you now need to give: more of your personal time and attention.


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